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The Restaurant and food Show 2024

The second edition of The Restaurant and food Show 2024 presents a unique opportunity for local and international companies in the food and restaurant sector to showcase their products, services, and establish new business relationships. The expo provides an ideal environment for exchanging expertise, ideas, and exploring the latest developments in this field. We invite you to join us in this splendid event and benefit from the tremendous opportunities it offers for the food and restaurant sector.

Targeted Sectors

  • Food producers and importers (foods and beverages)
  • Catering companies
  • Raw materials and ingredients
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Meat and seafood
  • Confectionery, chocolates, and nuts
  • Related agricultural products
  • Equipment (cooking tools and machines, fryers, ovens, beverage dispensers, ice cream, etc.)
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Kitchen equipment and food preparation
  • Food service (food presentation, ordering, delivery)
  • Fresh and canned food products
  • Manufacturing and packaging technologies in the food industry
  • Logistics and marketing services for restaurants and cafes
  • Technology (applications, kitchen and table management software for restaurants and cafes)
  • Printing, packaging, labeling, and branding
  • Graphic design
  • Furniture and decor.

Importance of Participation in the Expo

The importance of participating in the expo lies in enhancing your brand at the forefront of the food and restaurant sector’s development and establishing effective business relationships with pioneers in this field. The expo aims to provide valuable opportunities to engage with local and international food entities and provides a strategic platform to market and promote your products or services clearly to industry specialists. Additionally, the expo enables participation in objective and purposeful discussions with leaders and decision-makers in the food and restaurant sector.

Why Visit the Expo?

Your visit will be an exceptional journey into the world of the food sector, where you can gain unique insights into competitors’ strategies and improve your operational strategy through direct interaction with customers.

The expo serves as a leading platform for companies seeking to expand franchising and distribution channels to improve their business performance and achieve growth for their brand.

We invite you to join us at the second edition of The Restaurant and food Show 2024 to be part of this unique experience and benefit from the numerous opportunities it offers for various companies and enthusiasts in this vital and important field.

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